
The content provided by PSA is for informational purposes only. This information is not a substitute for a medical consultation with a qualified professional. We cannot guarantee nor take responsibility for the accuracy of documents we publish, nor assume any liability for the content of any Web sites linked to our site or content of any other correspondence they publish.

No guarantees of assistance are made by PSA, and PSA does not distribute or sell medications and is no way responsible for the timing or delivery of such medications. PSA does not determine who qualifies for Patient Assistance Programs (PAP’s). Various PAP sponsors make all decisions about which drugs are to be included in the programs and which individuals receive assistance, and that not all medications are covered. The program’s sponsors can modify or discontinue the programs without notice.

PAP’s are available to all qualified individuals FREE of charge, and the client is solely paying PSA for their services in the processing and filing of applications for PAP programs and NOT for the medications. Fees are payable regardless of whether the medication is received (please see our refund policy below). PSA will use all reasonable commercial efforts to enroll the client in the various PAP’s offered by the pharmaceutical companies for the medications prescribed by the client’s physician.

Clients must agree to provide PSA with all requested documentation necessary to apply for the various PAP programs, including, but not limited to proof of income, prescriptions, Doctor’s signatures and customer’s signature on all applications, copy of Medicare card and/or insurance information, tax documents, etc. Pharmaceutical companies determine where and when medications are shipped.

Some pharmaceutical companies may charge an additional “re-stocking fee” to be paid if medication is picked up at a local pharmacy. It is the client's responsibility to notify PSA of any changes regarding personal information or medications.

PSA's refund policy: Client may cancel their agreement with PSA and receive a full refund by returning UNUSED, ALL paperwork received from PSA along with a written request within 30 days. After 30 days, PSA will guarantee a full refund, upon written request, to any applicant who receives no medication and is determined to be ineligible for assistance by ALL manufacturers. Refund requests due to ineligibility must be made within 120 days of the date of this application, accompanied by a copy of each manufacturers’ letter denying assistance. No refund will be given unless PSA is provided a copy of each manufacturer’s denial letter. Either party may cancel the agreement by giving ten (10) days written notice.